Setup API

DomainSpec(sdh::SubDofHandler, material, fe_values; set=_getcellset(sdh), colors_or_chunks=nothing, user_data=nothing)
DomainSpec(dh::DofHandler, material, fe_values; set=1:getncells(dh), colors=nothing, chunks=nothing, user_data=nothing)

Create a DomainSpec that can be used to set up a domain buffer.

  • sdh/dh: Give the DofHandler for the domain in question, or a SubDofHandler in case there are more than one in DofHandler (See Ferrite.jl's documentation)
  • material: Used for dispatch on the utilized worker's function.
  • fe_values: CellValues or FacetValues depending on the type of domain.
  • set: The items in the domain, the element type determines the type of domain
    • Cell domain: Int
    • Facet domain: FacetIndex
  • colors::Vector{Vector{I}}: used to avoid race conditions when multithreading. For cell domains, I=Int, and for facet domains, I can be either Int (denoting cell numbers) or FacetIndex for actual facets. If I=Int, it will be converted to FacetIndex internally. If colors=nothing and chunks=nothing, Ferrite.jl's default coloring algorithm is used.
  • chunks::Vector{Vector{Vector{I}}}. During multithreading, each task works with items in one chunk::Vector{I} at a time. Items in chunks[k][i] and chunks[k][j] should be independent (i.e. not share dofs). If given, this input takes precedence over colors. For chunks, I must be Int for cell domains and FacetIndex for facet domains.
  • user_data: Can be whatever the user wants to and is passed along by reference everywhere. It is accessible from the ItemBuffer (e.g. CellBuffer) given to the worker's function via the get_user_data function. However, since it is passed by reference, modifying values during work, care must be taken to ensure thread safety. To avoid allocations, caches can be created separately with allocate_cell_cache and allocate_facet_cache.
setup_domainbuffer(domain::DomainSpec; a=nothing, threading=false, autodiffbuffer=false)

Setup a domain buffer for a single grid domain, domain.

  • a::Vector: The global degree of freedom values are used to pass the local element dof values to the create_cell_state function, making it possible to create the initial state dependent on the initial conditions for the field variables.
  • threading: Should a ThreadedDomainBuffer be created to work the grid multithreaded if supported by the used worker?
  • autodiffbuffer: Should a custom itembuffer be used to speed up the automatic differentiation (if supported by the itembuffer)
setup_domainbuffers(domains::Dict{String,DomainSpec}, suppress_warnings = false; kwargs...)

Setup multiple domain buffers, one for each DomainSpec in domains. Set suppress_warnings = true to suppress warnings checking for typical input errors when setting up multiple domains. See setup_domainbuffer for description of the keyword arguments.



The domain buffer be a DomainBuffer, ThreadedDomainBuffer, or a Dict{String} with eltype of one of the former. The following functions are defined for these buffers:

get_material(dbs::Dict{String,AbstractDomainBuffer}, domain::String)

Get the material for the domain represented by db or dbs[domain].


Get the dofhandler stored in db. Note that this is the global dofhandler, and not the SubDofHandler that is local to a specific domain.

get_state(dbs::Dict{String,AbstractDomainBuffer}, domain::String)

Get the states::Dict{Int,S}, where S type of the state for each entity in the domain, stored in the db or dbs[domain]. If no domain is given for multiple domains, a Dict{String} is returned with state variables for each domain

get_old_state(dbs::Dict{String,AbstractDomainBuffer}, domain::String)

Get the states::Dict{Int,S}, where S type of the state for each entity in the domain, stored in the db or dbs[domain]. If no domain is given for multiple domains, a Dict{String} is returned with state variables for each domain

getset(dbs::Dict{String,AbstractDomainBuffer}, domain::String)

Get the set of items stored in db or dbs[domain]


Update the states such that old_states = states for the states stored in db.

This method tries to avoid allocating new values where possible. Currently, if create_cell_state returns T or Vector{T} where isbitstype(T), this works. If needed/wanted, it should be relatively easy to provide an interface to make it possible to have allocation free for custom cell states.

set_time_increment!(db::Dict{String,AbstractDomainBuffer}, Δt)
set_time_increment!(db::AbstractDomainBuffer, Δt)

Update the time increment stored in db, which is passed on to the stored AbstractItemBuffer
