Volume integration

using Ferrite, FerriteAssembly, Printf

In this how-to, we calculate the integral of some functions of the solution. To start, we define the grid, dofs, and cellvalues.

grid = generate_grid(Quadrilateral, (20,20))
ip = Lagrange{RefQuadrilateral,1}()
dh = DofHandler(grid)
add!(dh, :u, ip)
add!(dh, :v, ip^2)

qr = QuadratureRule{RefQuadrilateral}(2)
cv_scalar = CellValues(qr, ip)
cv_vector = CellValues(qr, ip^2);

Since this is a how-to, we won't solve a problem to get the solution, but normally, we would already have defined the domain buffer (in this case we just set material=nothing)

domain = setup_domainbuffer(DomainSpec(dh, nothing, (u=cv_scalar, v=cv_vector)));

And here we just use apply_analytical! to get some non-zero field values.

a = zeros(ndofs(dh))
apply_analytical!(a, dh, :u, x->x⋅x)
apply_analytical!(a, dh, :v, x->Vec(x⋅x, x[2]));

This example can be solved with the SimpleIntegrator, which is described first. However, for more advanced cases, full-featured Integrator may be useful, and is shown after.

Using SimpleIntegrator

The SimpleIntegrator requires a function, f(a, ∇a, state), and the zero values for the summation.

sint = SimpleIntegrator((a, ∇a, state) -> (1.0, a.u, a.v), (0.0, 0.0, Vec((0.0,0.0))))
work!(sint, domain; a=a)
@printf("Volume V=∫dV = %0.5f\n", sint.val[1])
@printf("(1/V)∫ u dV = %0.5f \n", sint.val[2]/sint.val[1])
@printf("(1/V)∫ v dV  = (%0.5f, %0.5f) \n", (sint.val[3]/sint.val[1])...)
Volume V=∫dV = 4.00000
(1/V)∫ u dV = 0.67000
(1/V)∫ v dV  = (0.67000, -0.00000)

Using Integrator

Integrator requires method overloading and is suitable when the high-level API of SimpleIntegrator is insufficient, or for building special postprocessing methods for a class of materials. To setup this method of integration, we then create a custom type to hold our values, which we must be able to mutate.

mutable struct AvgValues{T}
    volume::T   # V=∫ dV
    u::T        # (1/V)∫ u dV
    v::Vec{2,T} # (1/V)∫ v dV
AvgValues() = AvgValues(0.0, 0.0, zero(Vec{2}));

We then overload the integrate_cell function to get the desired volume-averaged values, noting that here we have access to, e.g., cellvalues, and cellbuffer, in contrast to when using SimpleIntegrator.

function FerriteAssembly.integrate_cell!(vals::AvgValues, state, ae, material, cellvalues, cellbuffer)
    dru = dof_range(cellbuffer, :u)
    drv = dof_range(cellbuffer, :v)
    cvu = cellvalues.u
    cvv = cellvalues.v
    for q_point in 1:getnquadpoints(cvu)
        dV = getdetJdV(cvu, q_point)
        u = function_value(cvu, q_point, ae, dru)
        v = function_value(cvv, q_point, ae, drv)
        vals.volume += dV
        vals.u += u*dV
        vals.v += v*dV

Once everything is set up, the usage is the same.

vals = AvgValues()
work!(Integrator(vals), domain; a=a);

@printf("Volume V=∫dV = %0.5f\n", vals.volume)
@printf("(1/V)∫ u dV = %0.5f \n", vals.u/vals.volume)
@printf("(1/V)∫ v dV  = (%0.5f, %0.5f) \n", (vals.v/vals.volume)...)
Volume V=∫dV = 4.00000
(1/V)∫ u dV = 0.67000
(1/V)∫ v dV  = (0.67000, -0.00000)

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