Multiple fields

This tutorial shows how to use multiple fields, using the incompressible elasticity example from Ferrite as the starting point.

Multiple cell values

In this example, we use a named tuple containing cellvalues, one for each field, :u and :p. There is ongoing work in Ferrite.jl to introduce a collection of cellvalues, aka MultiCellValues, which will replace the named tuple in the future.

The full script without intermediate comments is available at the bottom of this page.

Load the required packages

using LinearAlgebra
using Ferrite, FerriteAssembly


Here, we define the pressure-displacement coupled formulation for linear isotropic elasticity

struct LinearElasticity{T}
LinearElasticity(;E, ν) = LinearElasticity(E/(2(1 + ν)), E*ν/((1+ν)*(1-2ν)))

function FerriteAssembly.element_routine!(Ke, fe, state, ae, mp::LinearElasticity, cv, buffer)
    cvu = cv.u
    cvp = cv.p
    # Extract the dof range for each field
    dru = dof_range(buffer, :u)
    drp = dof_range(buffer, :p)

    for q_point in 1:getnquadpoints(cvu)
        dΩ = getdetJdV(cvu, q_point)

        for (iᵤ, Iᵤ) in pairs(dru)
            ∇δNu_dev = dev(shape_symmetric_gradient(cvu, q_point, iᵤ))
            for (jᵤ, Jᵤ) in pairs(dru)
                ∇Nu_dev = dev(shape_symmetric_gradient(cvu, q_point, jᵤ))
                Ke[Iᵤ,Jᵤ] += 2 * mp.G * ∇δNu_dev ⊡ ∇Nu_dev * dΩ
            div_δNu = shape_divergence(cvu, q_point, iᵤ)
            for (jₚ, Jₚ) in pairs(drp)
                Np = shape_value(cvp, q_point, jₚ)
                Ke[Iᵤ,Jₚ] -= Np * div_δNu * dΩ
        for (iₚ, Iₚ) in pairs(drp)
            δNp = shape_value(cvp, q_point, iₚ)
            for (jᵤ, Jᵤ) in pairs(dru)
                div_Nu = shape_divergence(cvu, q_point, jᵤ)
                Ke[Iₚ,Jᵤ] -= δNp * div_Nu * dΩ
            for (jₚ, Jₚ) in pairs(drp)
                Np = shape_value(cvp, q_point, jₚ)
                Ke[Iₚ,Jₚ] -= 1/mp.K * δNp * Np * dΩ

Setup and solve

We start by defining the grid as in the original example

function create_cook_grid(;nx, ny)
    corners = [Vec{2}((0.0,   0.0)),
               Vec{2}((48.0, 44.0)),
               Vec{2}((48.0, 60.0)),
               Vec{2}((0.0,  44.0))]
    return generate_grid(Triangle, (nx, ny), corners);

And then we create a function that can solve the problem

function solve(;ν, ipu, ipp)
    # Material behavior
    mp = LinearElasticity(;E=1.0, ν=ν)

    # Grid and dofhandler
    grid = create_cook_grid(;nx=50, ny=50)
    dh = DofHandler(grid)
    add!(dh, :u, ipu) # displacement
    add!(dh, :p, ipp) # pressure

    # Boundary conditions
    ch = ConstraintHandler(dh)
    add!(ch, Dirichlet(:u, getfacetset(dh.grid, "left"), (x,t) -> zero(Vec{2})))
    update!(ch, 0.0)

    lh = LoadHandler(dh)
    add!(lh, Neumann(:u, 3, getfacetset(dh.grid, "right"), Returns(Vec{2}((0.0, 1/16)))))

    # Cellvalues
    qr = QuadratureRule{RefTriangle}(3)
    ip_geo = Lagrange{RefTriangle,1}()
    cvu = CellValues(qr, ipu, ip_geo)
    cvp = CellValues(qr, ipp, ip_geo)

    # Setup assembly
    cv = (u=cvu, p=cvp) # Will be replaced by MultiCellValues in the future
    domainbuffer = setup_domainbuffer(DomainSpec(dh, mp, cv))

    # Allocate and do the assembly
    K = allocate_matrix(dh)
    f = zeros(ndofs(dh))
    assembler = start_assemble(K, f)
    work!(assembler, domainbuffer) # Assemble the stiffness matrix
    apply!(f, lh, 0.0)             # Apply Neumann BC
    apply!(K, f, ch)              # Apply Dirichlet BC

    # Solve the equation system
    u = Symmetric(K) \ f;          # Solve the equation system

    # Export the results
    filename = "cook_" * (isa(ipu, Lagrange{2,RefTetrahedron,1}) ? "linear" : "quadratic") *
    VTKGridFile(filename, dh) do vtk
        write_solution(vtk, dh, u)
    return u

linear_ip    = Lagrange{RefTriangle,1}()
quadratic_ip = Lagrange{RefTriangle,2}()

u1 = solve(;ν=0.4999999, ipu=linear_ip^2, ipp=linear_ip)
u2 = solve(;ν=0.4999999, ipu=quadratic_ip^2, ipp=linear_ip);

Plain program

Here follows a version of the program without any comments. The file is also available here: incompressible_elasticity.jl.

using LinearAlgebra
using Ferrite, FerriteAssembly

struct LinearElasticity{T}
LinearElasticity(;E, ν) = LinearElasticity(E/(2(1 + ν)), E*ν/((1+ν)*(1-2ν)))

function FerriteAssembly.element_routine!(Ke, fe, state, ae, mp::LinearElasticity, cv, buffer)
    cvu = cv.u
    cvp = cv.p
    # Extract the dof range for each field
    dru = dof_range(buffer, :u)
    drp = dof_range(buffer, :p)

    for q_point in 1:getnquadpoints(cvu)
        dΩ = getdetJdV(cvu, q_point)

        for (iᵤ, Iᵤ) in pairs(dru)
            ∇δNu_dev = dev(shape_symmetric_gradient(cvu, q_point, iᵤ))
            for (jᵤ, Jᵤ) in pairs(dru)
                ∇Nu_dev = dev(shape_symmetric_gradient(cvu, q_point, jᵤ))
                Ke[Iᵤ,Jᵤ] += 2 * mp.G * ∇δNu_dev ⊡ ∇Nu_dev * dΩ
            div_δNu = shape_divergence(cvu, q_point, iᵤ)
            for (jₚ, Jₚ) in pairs(drp)
                Np = shape_value(cvp, q_point, jₚ)
                Ke[Iᵤ,Jₚ] -= Np * div_δNu * dΩ
        for (iₚ, Iₚ) in pairs(drp)
            δNp = shape_value(cvp, q_point, iₚ)
            for (jᵤ, Jᵤ) in pairs(dru)
                div_Nu = shape_divergence(cvu, q_point, jᵤ)
                Ke[Iₚ,Jᵤ] -= δNp * div_Nu * dΩ
            for (jₚ, Jₚ) in pairs(drp)
                Np = shape_value(cvp, q_point, jₚ)
                Ke[Iₚ,Jₚ] -= 1/mp.K * δNp * Np * dΩ

function create_cook_grid(;nx, ny)
    corners = [Vec{2}((0.0,   0.0)),
               Vec{2}((48.0, 44.0)),
               Vec{2}((48.0, 60.0)),
               Vec{2}((0.0,  44.0))]
    return generate_grid(Triangle, (nx, ny), corners);

function solve(;ν, ipu, ipp)
    # Material behavior
    mp = LinearElasticity(;E=1.0, ν=ν)

    # Grid and dofhandler
    grid = create_cook_grid(;nx=50, ny=50)
    dh = DofHandler(grid)
    add!(dh, :u, ipu) # displacement
    add!(dh, :p, ipp) # pressure

    # Boundary conditions
    ch = ConstraintHandler(dh)
    add!(ch, Dirichlet(:u, getfacetset(dh.grid, "left"), (x,t) -> zero(Vec{2})))
    update!(ch, 0.0)

    lh = LoadHandler(dh)
    add!(lh, Neumann(:u, 3, getfacetset(dh.grid, "right"), Returns(Vec{2}((0.0, 1/16)))))

    # Cellvalues
    qr = QuadratureRule{RefTriangle}(3)
    ip_geo = Lagrange{RefTriangle,1}()
    cvu = CellValues(qr, ipu, ip_geo)
    cvp = CellValues(qr, ipp, ip_geo)

    # Setup assembly
    cv = (u=cvu, p=cvp) # Will be replaced by MultiCellValues in the future
    domainbuffer = setup_domainbuffer(DomainSpec(dh, mp, cv))

    # Allocate and do the assembly
    K = allocate_matrix(dh)
    f = zeros(ndofs(dh))
    assembler = start_assemble(K, f)
    work!(assembler, domainbuffer) # Assemble the stiffness matrix
    apply!(f, lh, 0.0)             # Apply Neumann BC
    apply!(K, f, ch)              # Apply Dirichlet BC

    # Solve the equation system
    u = Symmetric(K) \ f;          # Solve the equation system

    # Export the results
    filename = "cook_" * (isa(ipu, Lagrange{2,RefTetrahedron,1}) ? "linear" : "quadratic") *
    VTKGridFile(filename, dh) do vtk
        write_solution(vtk, dh, u)
    return u

linear_ip    = Lagrange{RefTriangle,1}()
quadratic_ip = Lagrange{RefTriangle,2}()

u1 = solve(;ν=0.4999999, ipu=linear_ip^2, ipp=linear_ip)
u2 = solve(;ν=0.4999999, ipu=quadratic_ip^2, ipp=linear_ip);

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