Multiple materials

In this tutorial, we will see how we can assemble a domain and solve a problem where we have multiple material behaviors. In this simple case, we will consider an elastic inclusion, embedded in a plastically deforming matrix.


Figure 1: Results showing horizontal stresses ($\sigma_{11}$ [MPa]) on the deformed mesh.

For this example, we'll use material models defined in the MechanicalMaterialModels.jl package, which defines models according to the MaterialModelsBase interface.

The full script without intermediate comments is available at the bottom of this page.

using Ferrite, FerriteAssembly, FerriteMeshParser
using MaterialModelsBase, MechanicalMaterialModels, WriteVTK

Setup Ferrite quantities

We start by the loading a grid containing a central inclusion,

grid = get_ferrite_grid(joinpath(@__DIR__, "square_with_inclusion.inp"));

Define interpolation

ip = Lagrange{RefTriangle, 2}()^2;

Followed by the dof handler

dh = DofHandler(grid)
add!(dh, :u, ip)

Dirichlet boundary conditions

ch = ConstraintHandler(dh)
add!(ch, Dirichlet(:u, getfacetset(grid,"left"), Returns(0.0), 1))
add!(ch, Dirichlet(:u, getfacetset(grid,"bottom"), Returns(0.0), 2))

and a Neumann boundary condition.

lh = LoadHandler(dh)
add!(lh, Neumann(:u, 3, getfacetset(grid, "right"), (x, t, n) -> 1e3 * t * n));

Finally, we define the cellvalues

qr = QuadratureRule{RefTriangle}(4)
ip_geo = Lagrange{RefTriangle, 2}()
cv = CellValues(qr, ip, ip_geo);

FerriteAssembly setup

We first define the material models, and use the ReducedStressState to get a plane stress response.

elastic_material = ReducedStressState(PlaneStress(), LinearElastic(;E=210e3, ν=0.3))

plastic_material = ReducedStressState(PlaneStress(), Plastic(;
    elastic   = LinearElastic(E = 210e3, ν = 0.3),
    yield     = 100.0,
    isotropic = Voce(;Hiso = 50e3, κ∞ = 1e9),         # Linear isotropic hardening
    kinematic = ArmstrongFrederick(;Hkin = 0.0, β∞ = 1.0) # No kinematic hardening

We need to create the domain buffers, where the difference from earlier tutorials is that we have multiple domains. The domain specification should then be a Dict with one entry for each domain:

domains = Dict(
    "elastic"=>DomainSpec(dh, elastic_material, cv; set=getcellset(grid, "inclusion")),
    "plastic"=>DomainSpec(dh, plastic_material, cv; set=getcellset(grid, "matrix")) );

Now, we can call setup_domainbuffers, which accepts the same keyword arguments as setup_domainbuffer. Here, we accept the defaults.

buffer = setup_domainbuffers(domains);

Postprocessing setup

In this tutorial, we also demonstrate how the QuadPointEvaluator can be used to obtain quadrature point data which can be used to visualize the results, in this case the stresses. Specifically, we will use the evaluated data in combination with Ferrite's L2Projector.

First, we define a function to calculate the stresses for each material. Note that here we have to use some internals from MechanicalMaterialModels.jl, but this should be solved with MaterialModelsBase#12.

function calculate_stress(m::ReducedStressState, u, ∇u, qp_state)
    ϵ = MaterialModelsBase.expand_tensordim(m.stress_state, symmetric(∇u))
    σ = calculate_stress(m.material, ϵ, qp_state)
    return MaterialModelsBase.reduce_tensordim(m.stress_state, σ)
calculate_stress(m::LinearElastic, ϵ, qp_state) = m.C ⊡ ϵ
calculate_stress(m::Plastic, ϵ, qp_state) = calculate_stress(m.elastic, ϵ - qp_state.ϵp, qp_state);

And then we create the QuadPointEvaluator including this function

qe = QuadPointEvaluator{SymmetricTensor{2,2,Float64,3}}(buffer, calculate_stress);

Finally, we'll setup the L2Projector that we will use

proj = L2Projector(grid)
add!(proj, 1:getncells(grid), Lagrange{RefTriangle, 1}(); qr_rhs = qr)

Solving the nonlinear problem via time-stepping

function solve_nonlinear_timehistory(buffer, dh, ch, lh, l2_proj, qp_evaluator; time_history)
    maxiter = 100
    tolerance = 1e-6
    K = allocate_matrix(dh)
    r = zeros(ndofs(dh))
    fext = zeros(ndofs(dh))
    a = zeros(ndofs(dh))
    # Prepare postprocessing
    pvd = paraview_collection("multiple_materials")
    for (n, t) in enumerate(time_history)
        # Update and apply the Dirichlet boundary conditions
        update!(ch, t)
        apply!(a, ch)
        apply!(fext, lh, t)
        for i in 1:maxiter
            # Assemble the system
            assembler = start_assemble(K, r)
            work!(assembler, buffer; a=a)
            # Apply boundary conditions
            r .-= fext
            apply_zero!(K, r, ch)
            # Check convergence
            norm(r) < tolerance && break
            i == maxiter && error("Did not converge")
            # Solve the linear system and update the dof vector
            a .-= K \ r
            apply!(a, ch)

        # If converged, update the old state variables to the current.

        # Postprocess
        work!(qp_evaluator, buffer; a=a)
        stresses = project(l2_proj,
        VTKGridFile("multiple_materials_$n", dh) do vtk
            write_solution(vtk, dh, a)
            write_projection(vtk, l2_proj, stresses, "stress")
            Ferrite.write_cellset(vtk, dh.grid, "inclusion")
            pvd[t] = vtk
    return nothing
solve_nonlinear_timehistory(buffer, dh, ch, lh, proj, qe; time_history=collect(range(0, 1, 20)));

Plain program

Here follows a version of the program without any comments. The file is also available here: mixed_materials.jl.

using Ferrite, FerriteAssembly, FerriteMeshParser
using MaterialModelsBase, MechanicalMaterialModels, WriteVTK

grid = get_ferrite_grid(joinpath(@__DIR__, "square_with_inclusion.inp"));

ip = Lagrange{RefTriangle, 2}()^2;

dh = DofHandler(grid)
add!(dh, :u, ip)

ch = ConstraintHandler(dh)
add!(ch, Dirichlet(:u, getfacetset(grid,"left"), Returns(0.0), 1))
add!(ch, Dirichlet(:u, getfacetset(grid,"bottom"), Returns(0.0), 2))

lh = LoadHandler(dh)
add!(lh, Neumann(:u, 3, getfacetset(grid, "right"), (x, t, n) -> 1e3 * t * n));

qr = QuadratureRule{RefTriangle}(4)
ip_geo = Lagrange{RefTriangle, 2}()
cv = CellValues(qr, ip, ip_geo);

elastic_material = ReducedStressState(PlaneStress(), LinearElastic(;E=210e3, ν=0.3))

plastic_material = ReducedStressState(PlaneStress(), Plastic(;
    elastic   = LinearElastic(E = 210e3, ν = 0.3),
    yield     = 100.0,
    isotropic = Voce(;Hiso = 50e3, κ∞ = 1e9),         # Linear isotropic hardening
    kinematic = ArmstrongFrederick(;Hkin = 0.0, β∞ = 1.0) # No kinematic hardening

domains = Dict(
    "elastic"=>DomainSpec(dh, elastic_material, cv; set=getcellset(grid, "inclusion")),
    "plastic"=>DomainSpec(dh, plastic_material, cv; set=getcellset(grid, "matrix")) );

buffer = setup_domainbuffers(domains);

function calculate_stress(m::ReducedStressState, u, ∇u, qp_state)
    ϵ = MaterialModelsBase.expand_tensordim(m.stress_state, symmetric(∇u))
    σ = calculate_stress(m.material, ϵ, qp_state)
    return MaterialModelsBase.reduce_tensordim(m.stress_state, σ)
calculate_stress(m::LinearElastic, ϵ, qp_state) = m.C ⊡ ϵ
calculate_stress(m::Plastic, ϵ, qp_state) = calculate_stress(m.elastic, ϵ - qp_state.ϵp, qp_state);

qe = QuadPointEvaluator{SymmetricTensor{2,2,Float64,3}}(buffer, calculate_stress);

proj = L2Projector(grid)
add!(proj, 1:getncells(grid), Lagrange{RefTriangle, 1}(); qr_rhs = qr)

function solve_nonlinear_timehistory(buffer, dh, ch, lh, l2_proj, qp_evaluator; time_history)
    maxiter = 100
    tolerance = 1e-6
    K = allocate_matrix(dh)
    r = zeros(ndofs(dh))
    fext = zeros(ndofs(dh))
    a = zeros(ndofs(dh))
    # Prepare postprocessing
    pvd = paraview_collection("multiple_materials")
    for (n, t) in enumerate(time_history)
        # Update and apply the Dirichlet boundary conditions
        update!(ch, t)
        apply!(a, ch)
        apply!(fext, lh, t)
        for i in 1:maxiter
            # Assemble the system
            assembler = start_assemble(K, r)
            work!(assembler, buffer; a=a)
            # Apply boundary conditions
            r .-= fext
            apply_zero!(K, r, ch)
            # Check convergence
            norm(r) < tolerance && break
            i == maxiter && error("Did not converge")
            # Solve the linear system and update the dof vector
            a .-= K \ r
            apply!(a, ch)

        # If converged, update the old state variables to the current.

        # Postprocess
        work!(qp_evaluator, buffer; a=a)
        stresses = project(l2_proj,
        VTKGridFile("multiple_materials_$n", dh) do vtk
            write_solution(vtk, dh, a)
            write_projection(vtk, l2_proj, stresses, "stress")
            Ferrite.write_cellset(vtk, dh.grid, "inclusion")
            pvd[t] = vtk
    return nothing
solve_nonlinear_timehistory(buffer, dh, ch, lh, proj, qe; time_history=collect(range(0, 1, 20)));

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