
When using the FESolvers.jl package together with Ferrite.jl, the user has to specify a problem to be solved. The purpose of FESolvers.jl is to keep this as general as possible, and not require users to structure their problem structs in a certain way.

This package brings together the FESolvers.jl package with Ferrite.jl, using the FerriteAssembly.jl for assembly and element interfaces.

There is also preliminary support for organizing your simulations by saving both setup and results as .jld2 using JLD2.jl. FerriteProblems also includes custom serialization for Ferrite.jl objects where necessary (such as for the DofHandler). This is type piracy, so if causing you any problems, please open an issue.

All unregistered dependencies, including FerriteProblems.jl itself, is available in the knutamregistry

Simple workflow

The easiest way to get started is to just follow the examples, but in brief the workflow for a simple setup is

  1. def = FEDefinition(;dh=dh, ch=ch, material=material, cellvalues=cellvalues)
  2. problem = FerriteProblem(def)
  3. solver = QuasiStaticSolver(NewtonSolver(), FixedTimeStepper(;num_steps=10,Δt=0.1))
  4. solve_problem!(problem, solver)

Note that the documentation of Ferrite.jl, FESolvers.jl, and FerriteAssembly.jl should be considered as well.