
This example is taken from Ferrite.jl's plasticity example and shows how FerriteProblems can be used to simplify the setup of this nonlinear problem with time dependent loading.

First we need to load all required packages

using Ferrite, Tensors, SparseArrays, LinearAlgebra
using FerriteProblems, FESolvers, FerriteAssembly
import FerriteProblems as FP
import FerriteAssembly.ExampleElements: J2Plasticity
using Plots; gr();

The material from the original example, is available in FerriteAssembly.ExampleElements as J2Plasticity, serving as an example of a material that complies with the MaterialModelsBase.jl interface.

Problem definition

We first create the problem's definition. To be able to save the results using JLD2, we cannot use anonymous functions, so a struct for the ramping is created instead:

struct VectorRamp{dim,T}<:Function
(vr::VectorRamp)(x, t, n) = t*vr.ramp
const traction_function = VectorRamp(Vec(0.0, 0.0, 1.e7))
function setup_problem_definition()
    # Define material properties
    material = J2Plasticity(;E=200.0e9, ν=0.3, σ0=200.e6, H=10.0e9)
    ip =  Lagrange{RefTetrahedron, 1}()^3
    # CellValues
    cv = CellValues(QuadratureRule{RefTetrahedron}(2), ip)

    # Grid and degrees of freedom (`Ferrite.jl`)
    grid = generate_grid(Tetrahedron, (20,2,4), zero(Vec{3}), Vec((10.,1.,1.)))
    dh = DofHandler(grid); push!(dh, :u, ip); close!(dh)

    # Constraints (Dirichlet boundary conditions, `Ferrite.jl`)
    ch = ConstraintHandler(dh)
    add!(ch, Dirichlet(:u, getfaceset(grid, "left"), Returns(zero(Vec{3}))))

    # Neumann boundary conditions
    lh = LoadHandler(dh)
    quad_order = 3
    add!(lh, Neumann(:u, quad_order, getfaceset(grid, "right"), traction_function))

    domainspec = DomainSpec(dh, material, cv)
    return FEDefinition(domainspec; ch, lh)

For the problem at hand, FerriteAssembly.element_routine! is defined in FerriteAssembly.jl.

Setup postprocessing

In contrast to the original example, we do not save directly to a vtk-file, but use FerriteProblem's IO features to save to JLD2 files. This has the advantage that further postprocessing can be done after the simulation, and we can then choose to export to the VTK-format or plot directly using e.g. FerriteViz.jl. We start by defining our custom postprocessing type.

struct PlasticityPostProcess{T}
PlasticityPostProcess() = PlasticityPostProcess(Float64[], Float64[]);

With this postprocessing type, we can now define the postprocessing in FESolvers. Note that, internally, FerriteProblems imports the FESolvers functions getunknowns, getjacobian, and getresidual, such that you can access these via FerriteProblems. (or FP. if using the import FerriteProblems as FP above). For convenience, FerriteProblems will call FESolvers.postprocess! with the post as the first argument making it easy to dispatch on:

function FESolvers.postprocess!(post::PlasticityPostProcess, p, solver)
    # p::FerriteProblem
    # First, we save some values directly in the `post` struct
    push!(post.tmag, traction_function(zero(Vec{3}), FP.get_time(p), zero(Vec{3}))[3])
    push!(post.umag, maximum(abs, FP.getunknowns(p)))

    # Second, we save some results to file
    # * We must always start by adding the next step.
    FP.addstep!(, p)
    # * Save the dof values (only displacments in this case)
    FP.savedofdata!(, FP.getunknowns(p))
    # * Save the state in each integration point
    FP.saveipdata!(, FP.get_state(p), "state")

We also define a helper function to plot the results after completion

function plot_results(post::PlasticityPostProcess;
    plt=plot(), label=nothing, markershape=:auto, markersize=4
    plot!(plt, post.umag, post.tmag, linewidth=0.5, title="Traction-displacement", label=label,
        markeralpha=0.75, markershape=markershape, markersize=markersize)
    ylabel!(plt, "Traction [Pa]")
    xlabel!(plt, "Maximum deflection [m]")
    return plt

Solving the problem

Finally, we can solve the problem with different time stepping strategies and plot the results. Here, we use FerriteProblems' safesolve that (1) creates our full problem::FerriteProblem and (2) ensures that files are closed even when the problem doesn't converge.

function example_solution()
    def = setup_problem_definition()

    # Fixed uniform time steps
    solver = QuasiStaticSolver(NewtonSolver(;tolerance=1.0), FixedTimeStepper(;num_steps=25,Δt=0.04))
    problem = FerriteProblem(def, PlasticityPostProcess(), joinpath(pwd(), "A"))
    solve_problem!(problem, solver)
    plt = plot_results(, label="uniform", markershape=:x, markersize=5)

    # Same time steps as Ferrite example, overwrite results by specifying the same folder
    solver = QuasiStaticSolver(NewtonSolver(;tolerance=1.0), FixedTimeStepper(append!([0.], collect(0.5:0.05:1.0))))
    problem = FerriteProblem(def, PlasticityPostProcess(), joinpath(pwd(), "A"))
    solve_problem!(problem, solver)
    plot_results(, plt=plt, label="fixed", markershape=:circle)

    # Adaptive time stepping, save results to new folder
    ts = AdaptiveTimeStepper(0.05, 1.0; Δt_min=0.01, Δt_max=0.2)
    solver = QuasiStaticSolver(NewtonSolver(;tolerance=1.0, maxiter=6), ts)
    problem = FerriteProblem(def, PlasticityPostProcess(), joinpath(pwd(), "B"))
    solve_problem!(problem, solver)
    plot_results(, plt=plt, label="adaptive", markershape=:circle)

    return plt, problem, solver

plt, problem, solver = example_solution();

Which gives the following result when running display(plt)

Plain program

Here follows a version of the program without any comments. The file is also available here: plasticity.jl.

using Ferrite, Tensors, SparseArrays, LinearAlgebra
using FerriteProblems, FESolvers, FerriteAssembly
import FerriteProblems as FP
import FerriteAssembly.ExampleElements: J2Plasticity
using Plots; gr();

struct VectorRamp{dim,T}<:Function
(vr::VectorRamp)(x, t, n) = t*vr.ramp
const traction_function = VectorRamp(Vec(0.0, 0.0, 1.e7))
function setup_problem_definition()
    # Define material properties
    material = J2Plasticity(;E=200.0e9, ν=0.3, σ0=200.e6, H=10.0e9)
    ip =  Lagrange{RefTetrahedron, 1}()^3
    # CellValues
    cv = CellValues(QuadratureRule{RefTetrahedron}(2), ip)

    # Grid and degrees of freedom (`Ferrite.jl`)
    grid = generate_grid(Tetrahedron, (20,2,4), zero(Vec{3}), Vec((10.,1.,1.)))
    dh = DofHandler(grid); push!(dh, :u, ip); close!(dh)

    # Constraints (Dirichlet boundary conditions, `Ferrite.jl`)
    ch = ConstraintHandler(dh)
    add!(ch, Dirichlet(:u, getfaceset(grid, "left"), Returns(zero(Vec{3}))))

    # Neumann boundary conditions
    lh = LoadHandler(dh)
    quad_order = 3
    add!(lh, Neumann(:u, quad_order, getfaceset(grid, "right"), traction_function))

    domainspec = DomainSpec(dh, material, cv)
    return FEDefinition(domainspec; ch, lh)

struct PlasticityPostProcess{T}
PlasticityPostProcess() = PlasticityPostProcess(Float64[], Float64[]);

function FESolvers.postprocess!(post::PlasticityPostProcess, p, solver)
    # p::FerriteProblem
    # First, we save some values directly in the `post` struct
    push!(post.tmag, traction_function(zero(Vec{3}), FP.get_time(p), zero(Vec{3}))[3])
    push!(post.umag, maximum(abs, FP.getunknowns(p)))

    # Second, we save some results to file
    # * We must always start by adding the next step.
    FP.addstep!(, p)
    # * Save the dof values (only displacments in this case)
    FP.savedofdata!(, FP.getunknowns(p))
    # * Save the state in each integration point
    FP.saveipdata!(, FP.get_state(p), "state")

function plot_results(post::PlasticityPostProcess;
    plt=plot(), label=nothing, markershape=:auto, markersize=4
    plot!(plt, post.umag, post.tmag, linewidth=0.5, title="Traction-displacement", label=label,
        markeralpha=0.75, markershape=markershape, markersize=markersize)
    ylabel!(plt, "Traction [Pa]")
    xlabel!(plt, "Maximum deflection [m]")
    return plt

function example_solution()
    def = setup_problem_definition()

    # Fixed uniform time steps
    solver = QuasiStaticSolver(NewtonSolver(;tolerance=1.0), FixedTimeStepper(;num_steps=25,Δt=0.04))
    problem = FerriteProblem(def, PlasticityPostProcess(), joinpath(pwd(), "A"))
    solve_problem!(problem, solver)
    plt = plot_results(, label="uniform", markershape=:x, markersize=5)

    # Same time steps as Ferrite example, overwrite results by specifying the same folder
    solver = QuasiStaticSolver(NewtonSolver(;tolerance=1.0), FixedTimeStepper(append!([0.], collect(0.5:0.05:1.0))))
    problem = FerriteProblem(def, PlasticityPostProcess(), joinpath(pwd(), "A"))
    solve_problem!(problem, solver)
    plot_results(, plt=plt, label="fixed", markershape=:circle)

    # Adaptive time stepping, save results to new folder
    ts = AdaptiveTimeStepper(0.05, 1.0; Δt_min=0.01, Δt_max=0.2)
    solver = QuasiStaticSolver(NewtonSolver(;tolerance=1.0, maxiter=6), ts)
    problem = FerriteProblem(def, PlasticityPostProcess(), joinpath(pwd(), "B"))
    solve_problem!(problem, solver)
    plot_results(, plt=plt, label="adaptive", markershape=:circle)

    return plt, problem, solver

plt, problem, solver = example_solution();

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