Porous media

Porous media is a two-phase material, consisting of solid parts and a liquid occupying the pores inbetween. Using the porous media theory, we can model such a material without explicitly resolving the microstructure, but by considering the interactions between the solid and liquid. In this example, we will additionally consider larger linear elastic solid aggregates that are impermeable. Hence, there is no liquids in these particles and the only unknown variable is the displacement field :u. In the porous media, denoted the matrix, we have both the displacement field, :u, as well as the liquid pressure, :p, as unknown. The computational domain is shown below (the outdated figure doesn't show correct boundary conditions)

Computational domain

Pressure evolution

Pressure legend

u2 evolution

u2 legend

Computational domain

Pressure evolution

Vertical displacements¨

Theory of porous media

The strong forms are given as

\[\begin{aligned} \boldsymbol{\sigma}(\boldsymbol{\epsilon}, p) \cdot \boldsymbol{\nabla} &= \boldsymbol{0} \\ \dot{\Phi}(\boldsymbol{\epsilon}, p) + \boldsymbol{w}(p) \cdot \boldsymbol{\nabla} &= 0 \end{aligned}\]

where $\boldsymbol{\epsilon} = \left[\boldsymbol{u}\otimes\boldsymbol{\nabla}\right]^\mathrm{sym}$ The constitutive relationships are

\[\begin{aligned} \boldsymbol{\sigma} &= \boldsymbol{\mathsf{E}}:\boldsymbol{\epsilon} - \alpha p \boldsymbol{I} \\ \boldsymbol{w} &= - k \boldsymbol{\nabla} p \\ \Phi &= \phi + \alpha \mathrm{tr}(\boldsymbol{\epsilon}) + \beta p \end{aligned}\]

with $\boldsymbol{\mathsf{E}}=2G \boldsymbol{\mathsf{I}}^\mathrm{dev} + 3K \boldsymbol{I}\otimes\boldsymbol{I}$. The material parameters are then the shear modulus, $G$, bulk modulus, $K$, permeability, $k$, Biot's coefficient, $\alpha$, and liquid compressibility, $\beta$. The porosity, $\phi$, doesn't enter into the equations (A different porosity leads to different skeleton stiffness and permeability).

The variational (weak) form can then be derived for the variations $\boldsymbol{\delta u}$ and $\delta p$ as

\[\begin{aligned} \int_\Omega \left[\left[\boldsymbol{\delta u}\otimes\boldsymbol{\nabla}\right]^\mathrm{sym}: \boldsymbol{\mathsf{E}}:\boldsymbol{\epsilon} - \boldsymbol{\delta u} \cdot \boldsymbol{\nabla} \alpha p\right] \mathrm{d}\Omega &= \int_\Gamma \boldsymbol{\delta u} \cdot \boldsymbol{t} \mathrm{d} \Gamma \\ \int_\Omega \left[\delta p \left[\alpha \dot{\boldsymbol{u}} \cdot \boldsymbol{\nabla} + \beta \dot{p}\right] + \boldsymbol{\nabla}(\delta p) \cdot [k \boldsymbol{\nabla}]\right] \mathrm{d}\Omega &= \int_\Gamma \delta p w_\mathrm{n} \mathrm{d} \Gamma \end{aligned}\]

where $\boldsymbol{t}=\boldsymbol{n}\cdot\boldsymbol{\sigma}$ is the traction and $w_\mathrm{n} = \boldsymbol{n}\cdot\boldsymbol{w}$ is the normal flux.

Finite element form

Discretizing in space using finite elements, we obtain the vector equation $r_i = f_i^\mathrm{int} - f_{i}^\mathrm{ext}$ where $f^\mathrm{ext}$ are the external "forces", and $f_i^\mathrm{int}$ are the internal "forces". We split this into the displacement part $r_i^\mathrm{u} = f_i^\mathrm{int,u} - f_{i}^\mathrm{ext,u}$ and pressure part $r_i^\mathrm{p} = f_i^\mathrm{int,p} - f_{i}^\mathrm{ext,p}$ to obtain the discretized equation system

\[\begin{aligned} f_i^\mathrm{int,u} &= \int_\Omega [\boldsymbol{\delta N}^\mathrm{u}_i\otimes\boldsymbol{\nabla}]^\mathrm{sym} : \boldsymbol{\mathsf{E}} : [\boldsymbol{u}\otimes\boldsymbol{\nabla}]^\mathrm{sym} \ - [\boldsymbol{\delta N}^\mathrm{u}_i \cdot \boldsymbol{\nabla}] \alpha p \mathrm{d}\Omega &= \int_\Gamma \boldsymbol{\delta N}^\mathrm{u}_i \cdot \boldsymbol{t} \mathrm{d} \Gamma \\ f_i^\mathrm{int,p} &= \int_\Omega \delta N_i^\mathrm{p} [\alpha [\dot{\boldsymbol{u}}\cdot\boldsymbol{\nabla}] + \beta\dot{p}] + \boldsymbol{\nabla}(\delta N_i^\mathrm{p}) \cdot [k \boldsymbol{\nabla}(p)] \mathrm{d}\Omega &= \int_\Gamma \delta N_i^\mathrm{p} w_\mathrm{n} \mathrm{d} \Gamma \end{aligned}\]

Approximating the time-derivatives, $\dot{\boldsymbol{u}}\approx \left[\boldsymbol{u}-{}^n\boldsymbol{u}\right]/\Delta t$ and $\dot{p}\approx \left[p-{}^np\right]/\Delta t$, we can implement the finite element equations in the residual form $r_i(\boldsymbol{a}(t), t) = 0$ where the vector $\boldsymbol{a}$ contains all unknown displacements $u_i$ and pressures $p_i$. We use automatic differentiation to get the jacobian.


We now solve the problem step by step. The full program with fewer comments is found in the final section

Required packages

using Ferrite, FerriteMeshParser, Tensors
using FerriteAssembly, FerriteProblems, FESolvers
using MaterialModelsBase
import FerriteProblems as FP
import MaterialModelsBase as MMB
import FerriteAssembly.ExampleElements: ElasticPlaneStrain, PoroElasticPlaneStrain


Both the elastic material and a poroelastic material is available in FerriteAssembly.ExampleElements:

elastic_material() = ElasticPlaneStrain(;E=2.e3, ν=0.3)
poroelastic_material() = PoroElasticPlaneStrain(;E=2.e3, ν=0.3, k=0.05, α=1.0, β=1/2e3)
poroelastic_material (generic function with 1 method)

Problem definition

Mesh import

In this example, we import the mesh from the Abaqus input file, porous_media_0p75.inp using FerriteMeshParser's get_ferrite_grid function. (A finer mesh, porous_media_0p25.inp, is also available) We then create one cellset for each phase (solid and porous) for each element type. These 4 sets will later be used in their own FieldHandler

function get_grid()
    # Import grid from abaqus mesh
    grid = get_ferrite_grid(joinpath(@__DIR__, "porous_media", "porous_media_0p75.inp"))

    # Create cellsets for each fieldhandler
    addcellset!(grid, "solid3", intersect(getcellset(grid, "solid"), getcellset(grid, "CPS3")))
    addcellset!(grid, "solid4", intersect(getcellset(grid, "solid"), getcellset(grid, "CPS4R")))
    addcellset!(grid, "porous3", intersect(getcellset(grid, "porous"), getcellset(grid, "CPS3")))
    addcellset!(grid, "porous4", intersect(getcellset(grid, "porous"), getcellset(grid, "CPS4R")))

    # Create faceset for the sides and top
    addfaceset!(grid, "sides", x->(first(x) < eps() || first(x) ≈ 5.0))
    addfaceset!(grid, "top", x->(last(x) ≈ 10.0))
    return grid
get_grid (generic function with 1 method)

Problem setup

Define the finite element interpolation, integration, and boundary conditions.

function create_definition(;t_rise=0.1, p_max=100.0)
    grid = get_grid()

    # Define interpolations
    ipu_quad = Lagrange{RefQuadrilateral,2}()^2
    ipu_tri  = Lagrange{RefTriangle,2}()^2
    ipp_quad = Lagrange{RefQuadrilateral,1}()
    ipp_tri  = Lagrange{RefTriangle,1}()

    # Quadrature rules
    qr_quad = QuadratureRule{RefQuadrilateral}(2)
    qr_tri  = QuadratureRule{RefTriangle}(2)

    # CellValues
    cvu_quad = CellValues(qr_quad, ipu_quad)
    cvu_tri = CellValues(qr_tri, ipu_tri)
    cvp_quad = CellValues(qr_quad, ipp_quad)
    cvp_tri = CellValues(qr_tri, ipp_tri)

    # Setup the DofHandler
    dh = DofHandler(grid)
    # Solid quads
    sdh_solid_quad = SubDofHandler(dh, getcellset(grid,"solid4"))
    add!(sdh_solid_quad, :u, ipu_quad)
    # Solid triangles
    sdh_solid_tri = SubDofHandler(dh, getcellset(grid,"solid3"))
    add!(sdh_solid_tri, :u, ipu_tri)
    # Porous quads
    sdh_porous_quad = SubDofHandler(dh, getcellset(grid, "porous4"))
    add!(sdh_porous_quad, :u, ipu_quad)
    add!(sdh_porous_quad, :p, ipp_quad)
    # Porous triangles
    sdh_porous_tri = SubDofHandler(dh, getcellset(grid, "porous3"))
    add!(sdh_porous_tri, :u, ipu_tri)
    add!(sdh_porous_tri, :p, ipp_tri)


    # Setup each domain
    domains = Dict{String,DomainSpec}()
    # Solid domain with Triangle elements, quadratic displacement interpolation
    domains["solid3"] = DomainSpec(sdh_solid_tri, elastic_material(), cvu_tri)

    # Solid domain with Quadrilateral elements, quadratic displacement interpolation
    domains["solid4"] = DomainSpec(sdh_solid_quad, elastic_material(), cvu_quad)

    # Porous domain with Triangle elements
    domains["porous3"] = DomainSpec(sdh_porous_tri, poroelastic_material(), (u=cvu_tri, p=cvp_tri))

    # Porous domain with Quadrilateral elements
    domains["porous4"] = DomainSpec(sdh_porous_quad, poroelastic_material(), (u=cvu_quad, p=cvp_quad))

    # Add boundary conditions
    ch = ConstraintHandler(dh);
    # Fix bottom in y and sides in x
    add!(ch, Dirichlet(:u, getfaceset(grid, "bottom"), Returns(0.0), [2]))
    add!(ch, Dirichlet(:u, getfaceset(grid, "sides"), Returns(0.0), [1]))
    # Zero pressure on top surface
    add!(ch, Dirichlet(:p, getfaceset(grid, "top"), Returns(0.0)))

    # Add Neumann boundary conditions - normal traction on top
    lh = LoadHandler(dh);
    add!(lh, Neumann(:u, 2, getfaceset(grid, "top"), (x,t,n) -> -n*clamp(t/t_rise,0,1)*p_max))

    return FEDefinition(domains; ch, lh)


struct PM_PostProcess{PVD}
function PM_PostProcess(filestem="porous_media")
    pvd = paraview_collection("$filestem.pvd")
    return PM_PostProcess(pvd, filestem)

function FESolvers.postprocess!(post::PM_PostProcess, p, solver)
    step = FESolvers.get_step(solver)
    vtk_grid("$(post.filestem)-$step", FP.get_dofhandler(p)) do vtk
        vtk_point_data(vtk, FP.get_dofhandler(p), FP.getunknowns(p))
        post.pvd[step] = vtk

FP.close_postprocessing(post::PM_PostProcess, args...) = vtk_save(post.pvd);


We solve the problem by using linearly increasing time steps

problem = FerriteProblem(create_definition(), PM_PostProcess())
solver = QuasiStaticSolver(;nlsolver=LinearProblemSolver(), timestepper=FixedTimeStepper(map(x->x^2, range(0, 1, 41))))
solve_problem!(problem, solver)

Plain program

Here follows a version of the program without any comments. The file is also available here: porous_media.jl.

using Ferrite, FerriteMeshParser, Tensors
using FerriteAssembly, FerriteProblems, FESolvers
using MaterialModelsBase
import FerriteProblems as FP
import MaterialModelsBase as MMB
import FerriteAssembly.ExampleElements: ElasticPlaneStrain, PoroElasticPlaneStrain

elastic_material() = ElasticPlaneStrain(;E=2.e3, ν=0.3)
poroelastic_material() = PoroElasticPlaneStrain(;E=2.e3, ν=0.3, k=0.05, α=1.0, β=1/2e3)

function get_grid()
    # Import grid from abaqus mesh
    grid = get_ferrite_grid(joinpath(@__DIR__, "porous_media", "porous_media_0p75.inp"))

    # Create cellsets for each fieldhandler
    addcellset!(grid, "solid3", intersect(getcellset(grid, "solid"), getcellset(grid, "CPS3")))
    addcellset!(grid, "solid4", intersect(getcellset(grid, "solid"), getcellset(grid, "CPS4R")))
    addcellset!(grid, "porous3", intersect(getcellset(grid, "porous"), getcellset(grid, "CPS3")))
    addcellset!(grid, "porous4", intersect(getcellset(grid, "porous"), getcellset(grid, "CPS4R")))

    # Create faceset for the sides and top
    addfaceset!(grid, "sides", x->(first(x) < eps() || first(x) ≈ 5.0))
    addfaceset!(grid, "top", x->(last(x) ≈ 10.0))
    return grid

function create_definition(;t_rise=0.1, p_max=100.0)
    grid = get_grid()

    # Define interpolations
    ipu_quad = Lagrange{RefQuadrilateral,2}()^2
    ipu_tri  = Lagrange{RefTriangle,2}()^2
    ipp_quad = Lagrange{RefQuadrilateral,1}()
    ipp_tri  = Lagrange{RefTriangle,1}()

    # Quadrature rules
    qr_quad = QuadratureRule{RefQuadrilateral}(2)
    qr_tri  = QuadratureRule{RefTriangle}(2)

    # CellValues
    cvu_quad = CellValues(qr_quad, ipu_quad)
    cvu_tri = CellValues(qr_tri, ipu_tri)
    cvp_quad = CellValues(qr_quad, ipp_quad)
    cvp_tri = CellValues(qr_tri, ipp_tri)

    # Setup the DofHandler
    dh = DofHandler(grid)
    # Solid quads
    sdh_solid_quad = SubDofHandler(dh, getcellset(grid,"solid4"))
    add!(sdh_solid_quad, :u, ipu_quad)
    # Solid triangles
    sdh_solid_tri = SubDofHandler(dh, getcellset(grid,"solid3"))
    add!(sdh_solid_tri, :u, ipu_tri)
    # Porous quads
    sdh_porous_quad = SubDofHandler(dh, getcellset(grid, "porous4"))
    add!(sdh_porous_quad, :u, ipu_quad)
    add!(sdh_porous_quad, :p, ipp_quad)
    # Porous triangles
    sdh_porous_tri = SubDofHandler(dh, getcellset(grid, "porous3"))
    add!(sdh_porous_tri, :u, ipu_tri)
    add!(sdh_porous_tri, :p, ipp_tri)


    # Setup each domain
    domains = Dict{String,DomainSpec}()
    # Solid domain with Triangle elements, quadratic displacement interpolation
    domains["solid3"] = DomainSpec(sdh_solid_tri, elastic_material(), cvu_tri)

    # Solid domain with Quadrilateral elements, quadratic displacement interpolation
    domains["solid4"] = DomainSpec(sdh_solid_quad, elastic_material(), cvu_quad)

    # Porous domain with Triangle elements
    domains["porous3"] = DomainSpec(sdh_porous_tri, poroelastic_material(), (u=cvu_tri, p=cvp_tri))

    # Porous domain with Quadrilateral elements
    domains["porous4"] = DomainSpec(sdh_porous_quad, poroelastic_material(), (u=cvu_quad, p=cvp_quad))

    # Add boundary conditions
    ch = ConstraintHandler(dh);
    # Fix bottom in y and sides in x
    add!(ch, Dirichlet(:u, getfaceset(grid, "bottom"), Returns(0.0), [2]))
    add!(ch, Dirichlet(:u, getfaceset(grid, "sides"), Returns(0.0), [1]))
    # Zero pressure on top surface
    add!(ch, Dirichlet(:p, getfaceset(grid, "top"), Returns(0.0)))

    # Add Neumann boundary conditions - normal traction on top
    lh = LoadHandler(dh);
    add!(lh, Neumann(:u, 2, getfaceset(grid, "top"), (x,t,n) -> -n*clamp(t/t_rise,0,1)*p_max))

    return FEDefinition(domains; ch, lh)

struct PM_PostProcess{PVD}
function PM_PostProcess(filestem="porous_media")
    pvd = paraview_collection("$filestem.pvd")
    return PM_PostProcess(pvd, filestem)

function FESolvers.postprocess!(post::PM_PostProcess, p, solver)
    step = FESolvers.get_step(solver)
    vtk_grid("$(post.filestem)-$step", FP.get_dofhandler(p)) do vtk
        vtk_point_data(vtk, FP.get_dofhandler(p), FP.getunknowns(p))
        post.pvd[step] = vtk

FP.close_postprocessing(post::PM_PostProcess, args...) = vtk_save(post.pvd);

problem = FerriteProblem(create_definition(), PM_PostProcess())
solver = QuasiStaticSolver(;nlsolver=LinearProblemSolver(), timestepper=FixedTimeStepper(map(x->x^2, range(0, 1, 41))))
solve_problem!(problem, solver)

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