Utility functions
In the course of defining the material behavior, a set of functions that may be useful outside the package internals are documented here, but these are not exported.
— Functionfunction vonmises(σ::SecondOrderTensor{3})
Calculate the von Mises effective stress for a 2nd order tensor
— Functionfunction vonmises_and_gradient(σ::SecondOrderTensor{3})
Calculate the von Mises effective stress for a 2nd order tensor as well as the gradient, ν
— Functionfunction macaulay(x)
Calculate the macaulay bracket of x, $\langle x \rangle$
\[\langle x \rangle = \left\lbrace \begin{matrix} 0 & x\leq 0 \\ x & x>0 \end{matrix} \right .\]