Based on this figure, it is clear that the deformation gradient describes how an infitesimal volume element changes shape. But it is not zero when the strain is zero - it is the identity tensor. Defining the strain as F−I solves this problem. However, consider a pure rotation of the square:

For the small rotation, β=5o, we see that we obtain a change in the deformation gradient's off-diagonal (shear) terms. However, these are of equal magnitude but with opposite signs. So in the symmetric part of the deformation gradient is negligibly affected by the small rotation. So for small rotations, we can thus define a strain measure as
ϵ=[x⊗∇X]sym−I=[∂X∂x]sym−I=[∂X∂u]sym This strain measure is the small strain tensor.
Considering the larger rotation, β=30o, even the normal terms (on the diagonal) are affected. Therefore, ϵ is not suitable for large rotations.
When considering nonlinear solid mechanics, so-called finite strain measures are introduced. One example is the Green-Lagrange strain, E, defined as
E=0.5[FTF−I] The current coordinates after a pure rotation are given by x=RX, where R is a proper orthogonal rotation tensor. For this case, we obtain F=R and our two strain measures become
ϵE=0.5[R+RT]−I=0=0.5[RTR−I]=0 So why do we not use this strain tensor instead? It involves square terms of the deformation gradient, and is therefore not linear. When solving structural problems, the linearity of the problem makes it much easier to solve. Let's us consider the linearization of the Green-Lagrange strain tensor: We would like to see how it is affected by a small deformation, i.e. F=I+δF, where δF≪I we have
E=0.5[[IT+δFT][I+δF]−I]=0.5[I+δF+δFT+δFTδF−I]≈δFsym=[I+δF]sym−I=ϵ where the fact that δF≪I causes the term δFTδF to be negligible compared to δF.