Index notation


1. The vector has 2 components so that ii can take two values (1 or 2). the dimension of viv_i is thus 2
2. The object viv_i has one index, and thus the order is 1
3. In mijm_{ij}, both ii and jj can take two different values (1 or 2). Hence, the dimension of mijm_{ij} is still 2. However, there are now two indices, and the order of mijm_{ij} is 2.


1.1. ii is not repeated in the same term and is a free index, jj is repeated and is dummy
1.2. ii and jj are not repeated in the same term and are free, kk and ll are repeated and are thus dummies
1.3. ii is not repeated in the same term (even if it is repeated in different terms) and is therefore a free index 1.4. ii and kk exist only once in each term: free indices. jj and ll are repeated twice in each term: dummies
2. If bij=uivjb_{ij}=u_i v_j, we have equivalently bkl=ukvlb_{kl}=u_k v_l, hence aij=Cijklukvla_{ij}=C_{ijkl} u_k v_l
3. The expression ckl=aijDijklc_{kl}=a_{ij}D_{ijkl} already includes the indices kk and ll, we must therefore change those indices in the first expression before multiplying: aij=Cijmnbmna_{ij}=C_{ijmn}b_{mn} is equivalent as in this expression kk and ll where dummy indices and we can therefore change them to any available indices, in this case mm and nn. We then have ckl=CijmnbmnDijklc_{kl}=C_{ijmn}b_{mn}D_{ijkl}.


1. Here we want to sum over ii and jj from 1 to 3. Hence we have
[δ11]2+[δ12]2+[δ13]2+[δ21]2+[δ22]2+[δ23]2+[δ31]2+[δ32]2+[δ33]2[\delta_{11}]^2 + [\delta_{12}]^2 + [\delta_{13}]^2 + [\delta_{21}]^2 + [\delta_{22}]^2 + [\delta_{23}]^2 + [\delta_{31}]^2 + [\delta_{32}]^2 + [\delta_{33}]^2
where only δ11=δ22=δ33=1\delta_{11}=\delta_{22}=\delta_{33}=1 are nonzero. Hence, δijδij=3\delta_{ij}\delta_{ij}=3.
2. Following the definition of δij\delta_{ij} we see that it is symmetric, i.e. δij=δji\delta_{ij}=\delta_{ji} and consequently δijδji=0ij\delta_{ij}-\delta_{ji}=0_{ij} (the indices on the zero are often skipped for brevity)
3. The result will be a 2nd order object, e.g. bli=δklakib_{li}=\delta_{kl}a_{ki}. For each entry in blib_{li}, we must sum over the 3 values of kk. However, δkl=0\delta_{kl}=0 if klk\neq l. Only when k=lk=l is δkl=1\delta_{kl}=1. I.e. bli=δ1la1i+δ2la2i+δ3la3ib_{li} = \delta_{1l}a_{1i}+\delta_{2l}a_{2i}+\delta_{3l}a_{3i}. Only the term where δkl=1\delta_{kl}=1 (i.e. k=lk=l) will remain. It has the value alia_{li}. Consequently, δklaki=ali\delta_{kl}a_{ki}=a_{li}. In general, when we contract with δij\delta_{ij} we can replace either ii or jj by jj or ii respectively in the factor we multiply with, and remove the δij\delta_{ij} factor.


1. As we did earlier for the Kronecker delta, we know that δok=1\delta_{ok}=1 only when o=ko=k (otherwise zero), and hence, ϵmnoδok=ϵmnk\epsilon_{mno}\delta_{ok}=\epsilon_{mnk}
2. ϵmkk=ϵm11+ϵm22+ϵm33=0\epsilon_{mkk} = \epsilon_{m11} + \epsilon_{m22} + \epsilon_{m33} = 0
3. ϵjki=ϵijk\epsilon_{jki} = \epsilon_{ijk} following the permutation order, hence ϵjki+ϵijk=2ϵijk\epsilon_{jki}+\epsilon_{ijk}=2\epsilon_{ijk}