Each component is then Mij, where each row is given by i∈{1,2,3} and each column by j∈{1,2,3}. As for the dimension, we can also consider an arbitrary order, e.g. a 4th order object, aijkl.
Definition: The dimensionN of an index i is how many integers it represents, i.e. i∈1,2,⋯,N
Definition: The order of a symbol, expressed in index notation, is the number of indices, M, i.e. ai1i2⋯iM.
The compactness of the index notation comes from the "Einstein summation convention", Einstein (1916). If we would like to represent the matrix-vector multiplication u=Mv above using our index notation, this becomes
With the Einstein summation convention, we do not have to write the summation symbol and can write
How do we know that this implies the sum? We see that the index j is repeated in Mij and vj. This repeated index in the same term implies a summation over each j.
Now you might ask, why not with i, it is repeated in ui and Mij? The difference is that ui and Mij are not in the same term. We call i a "free index", while j is called a "dummy index".
What if I don't want to sum over a repeated index? Yes, there are cases when we want to do this. For example, if we need to express the diagonal terms of a second-order index object. Then we can write, e.g.
ci=aii(No sum on i)
but it is seldom needed to write something like this, but we use it later for the spectral decomposition
Consider that we have a few index objects representing vectors and matrices, e.g. Aij for A, Bij for B, ci for c, di for d, and ei for e. If we want to write the expression e=ABc+dTB we have to change the indices to match the expression, and write e.g.
We are free to change indices in this expression if we adhere to the following rules
If we change a free index, we must change that index in all terms, and we cannot use an index that already exists in any of the terms
If we change a dummy index, we must change that dummy index for both objects in that term
For example, we can change the free index i to n in ei, if we also change it in the other terms, i.e.
Or we can change the dummy index j to m in the last term, even if we don't change it in the first term (on the right hand side),
The "Levi-Civita symbol" may also be denoted the "permutation symbol". While it can be defined in arbitrary order, we will only consider the definitions for 2nd and 3rd orders,
εijεijk=⎩⎨⎧−1−1−0ififif(i,j)=(1,2)(i,j)=(2,1)i=j=⎩⎨⎧−1−1−0if (i,j,k)is (1,2,3), (2,3,1), or (3,1,2)if (i,j,k)is (3,2,1), (2,1,3), or (1,3,2)else (if any two indices are equal)
The following illustration from Wikipedia illustrates the sign convention for 3rd order,